Picture of Anthony Coker

Anthony Coker

Technical Services Manager
North Georgia District

Cleaning Coils

Fall is the time for the leaves to fall and with the mixture of rain and wind tends to stir up debris that can cause your outdoor coil to get dirty along with all the natural elements that cause deposits to attach to the coils. With that said, we want to make sure that we are cleaning the coils properly and to Carrier specifications to extend the coil lives longer.

The most important thing to remember is safety first. Always wear the proper PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) when working with chemicals and always be aware of the SDS (Safety Data Sheets) as to be aware of what steps to take if ingested, inhaled, or if it gets on your skin and the things to do for protection along with precautions that you might be or not be aware of!

Now that we are past all the boring stuff, let us get down to the good stuff!

Coil cleaners come in a variety of strengths and concentrations that need to be taken seriously. An example would be: if you washed your clothes with pure bleach what would happen? Nothing good I can guarantee that! You will want to read the labels on the containers to make sure you have the properly mixed solution. You will have a label on every container size that tells you the proper ratio for mixing the cleaners with water to dilute it to the specified ratio required to do the best and safest cleaning job possible. If you go over it, it can do more damage than good by eating or breaking down the elements that make up the coil. Too little and you don’t have a clean coil.

Just a few part numbers of the variety of coil cleaners available!

P902-0101, P902-0301, P902-1001, P902-1801

Below are photos of coil cleaners and their labels so that you can see the mixing ratios and instructions of use.

coil cleaner
coil cleaner instructions
coil cleaner
coil cleaner instructions
coil cleaner
coil cleaner instructions

When you use any coil cleaner, you should clean out all debris from cabinet before using so that it can drain properly. Proper drainage can increase efficiency. Rinse thoroughly and always use safety!

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